Cosplay Gallery
A collection of my cosplay builds and their photoshoots.
Hector - Castlevania
Cosplay Photoshoots by Felix Dandy & Elizabeth Richelle
Featuring Carmilla by Marissa C. and Lenore by Dominique V.
Hammer prop by Travis Schall
Dark Magician - YuGiOh!
Photo by Baz
Hermes Costello- Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean
Cosplay Photoshoot by Elizabeth Richelle
Barbarossa: Almyra’s King Khalid - Fire Emblem Three Houses
Cosplay Photoshoot by Felix Dandy
Weapon Kit by Dangerous Ladies
Sash by Cubey
Claude von Riegan - Fire Emblem Three Houses
Cosplay Photoshoot by KP11 Studios
Brooches & Bow Kit by Dangerous Ladies
Claude von Riegan - Fire Emblem Three Houses
Cosplay Photoshoot by Ethereous Photography
Brooches & Bow Kit by Dangerous Ladies
On the Battlefield - Fire Emblem Three Houses
Cosplay Photoshoots by Felix Dandy with additional shots by Duke Williams
Featuring Dimitri by Marissa C. and Edelgard by Ashley W.
Brooches & Weapon Kits by Dangerous Ladies
Claude von Riegan & Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd - Fire Emblem Three Houses
Cosplay Photoshoot by Elizabeth Richelle
Dimitri’s Brooches by Dangerous Ladies
Leona Kingscholar - Twisted Wonderland
Cosplay Photoshoots by Felix Dandy
Shirt & Scarf Fabric Patterned by Dangerous Ladies
Mista - JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
Photoshoot by Logan Miller
Kneesocks - Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt
Featuring Scanty by Marissa
Minamimoto - The World Ends with You
Photoshoot by Sean Edgar
Marina - Splatoon 2
Photoshoots by Felix Dandy & Logan Miller
Featuring Pearl by Dom, Callie by Marissa and Marie by Shari
Michiko Malandro - Michiko & Hatchin
Photoshoot by Felix Dandy
Gearless Joe - Megalo Box
Photoshoot by Sean Edgar
Old cosplay self shoots and hallway pictures, for posterity.